Hegnar Media - Volue Capital Markets Day
ESG: Technology for a sustainable tomorrow, Ingeborg Gjærum, COO
Finance: SaaS transformation laying foundation for margin expansion, Arnstein Kjesbu, CFO
Infrastructure: Build and operate the backbone of society, Frode Solem, EVP
Insight: Stay ahead of the curve, now and in the future, Anamaria Toebe, Head of Short-Term Analysis
Power Grind: Helping utilites through the green transition, Stein P. Agersborg, SVP
Power optimisation & trading: supporting energy producers in increasingly volatile markets, Camilla Thorrud Larsen, VP
Spark: Matchmaker in the neighborhood energy system, Kjetil Storset, Spark Lead
Summary and Q&A, Trond Straume, CEO
Value out of volatility, Trond Straume, CEO