Get to Know TNO - Get to Know TNO Energy Transition & Sustainability

We believe that a sustainable future is the only future, but the energy transition will not happen by itself. A climate-neutral Netherlands requires technical, social and policy innovations. That is what we are working on at TNO. Would you like to know more about our work and get to know our organisation online? Then register for our webinar. The ‘Get to Know TNO’ webinar lasts for two hours and afterwards you will know whether TNO could be an interesting employer for your first job, internship, graduation project or perhaps our trainee programme. On 2 October the theme of the webinar will be Energy transition and Sustainability. We will elaborate on some of the studies we are doing, take you on an online lab tour and in addition, you can ask the recruiters and trainees all kinds of questions. Discover what TNO has to offer and reserve your spot!
